====== Events ====== Here the events sent by the module is described. ===== Temperature Event ===== ^ Event ^ Description ^ | [[http://www.vscp.org/docs/vscpspec/doku.php?id=class1.measurement#type_6_0x06_temperature|CLASS1.MEASUREMENT (10) Type=6, Temperature]] | If enabled this event is sent periodically for each sensor. The temperature is reported as a normalized integer value by this event. The event frequency is set in register 20-25 (default is one event per 30 seconds) and must be set to a non zero value for it to be sent.\\ \\ Temperature can be reported in one of three units. Kelvin, Celsius (default) or Fahrenheit as set in register 2-7. \\ \\ __**Data**__\\ **Byte 0** - Data coding byte. See description below.\\ **Byte 1** - Always 130 (0x82). Decimal point should be shifted two steps to the left = divide with hundred.\\ **Byte 2** - MSB of normalized integer. Two complement number.\\ **Byte 3** - LSB of normalized integer. Two complement number.\\ \\ | The data coding byte is the measurement data coding format described in [[http://www.vscp.org/docs/vscpspec/doku.php?id=data_coding|the VSCP specification]]. The normalized integer is stored as a two complement 16-bit integer. To convert 1. Calculate the 16-bit twos complement as MSB byte * 256 + LSB byte. 2. If the most significant bit is not set (Equal or less then 32767) this is a positive temperature. Divide by 100 and you have the temperature. 3. If the most significant bit is set (Greater than 32767) this is a negative temperature. Now invert the result (the bits are inverted; 0 becomes 1, and 1 becomes 0) and add one to the result. Dive by 100 and you have the temperature. ==== Example: A negative temperature in Celsius from sensor 1 ==== The data part of the event will be ^ Byte ^ Description ^ | Byte 0 | 130 (0x82) | | Byte 1 | 2 (0x02) | | Byte 2 | 255 (0xF0) | | Byte 3 | 216 (0x60) | - **Byte 0**: Normalized integer, Celsius, Sensor 1 - **Byte 1**: Decimal point should be shifted two steps to the left. - **Byte 2/3**: Bit 16 is a one meaning it's a negative number. Temperature is a two complement number. 0xF060 = 0b1111000001100000. Invert which give 0b0000111110011111 add one which give 0b0000111110100000 = 4000. Divide by 100 gives 40.00 The read temperature is -40.00 ºC. ==== Example: A positive temperature in Celsius from sensor 1 ==== The data part of the event will be ^ Byte ^ Description ^ | Byte 0 | 130 (0x82) | | Byte 1 | 2 (0x02) | | Byte 2 | 46 (0x2E) | | Byte 3 | 224 (0xE0) | - **Byte 0**: Normalized integer, Celsius, Sensor 1 - **Byte 1**: Decimal point should be shifted two steps to the left. - **Byte 2/3**: Bit 16 is zero meaning it's a positive number. 0x2EE0 = 12000. Divide by 100 gives 120.00. The temperature is 120.00 ºC. ==== Example: A negative temperature in Fahrenheit from sensor 5 ==== The data part of the event will be ^ Byte ^ Description ^ | Byte 0 | 249 (0xF9) | | Byte 1 | 2 (0x02) | | Byte 2 | 255 (0xFF) | | Byte 3 | 118 (0x76) | - **Byte 0**: Normalized integer, Fahrenheit, Sensor 5 - **Byte 1**: Decimal point should be shifted two steps to the left. - **Byte 2/3**: Bit 16 is a one meaning it's a negative number. Temperature is a two complement number. 0xFF76 = 0b1111111101110110. Invert which give 0b0000000010001001 add one which give 0b0000000010001010 = 138. Divide by 100 gives 1.38 The read temperature is -1.38 ºF. ==== Data coding byte for Kelvin ==== ^ Bits ^ Description ^ | 5,6,7 | Always set to 4 (0b100) - Normalized integer format. | | 3,4 | __**Unit**:__\\ **0 (0b00)** - Kelvin.\\ **1 (0b01)** – Celsius.\\ **2 (0b10)** – Fahrenheit. | | 0,1,2 | __**Sensor Index**:__\\ **0 (0b000)** - Sensor 0.\\ **1 (0b001)** - Sensor 1.\\ **2 (0b010)** - Sensor 2.\\ **3 (0b011)** - Sensor 3.\\ **4 (0b100)** - Sensor 4.\\ **5 (0b101)** - Sensor 5. | To help to interpret data the three tables below list the datacoding bytes for Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature presentation. === Kelvin data coding table === ^ Sensor ^ Value for data coding byte ^ | Sensor 0 | 129 (0x81) | | Sensor 1 | 130(0x82) | | Sensor 2 | 131(0x83) | | Sensor 3 | 132(0x84) | | Sensor 4 | 133(0x85) | | Sensor 5 | 134(0x86) | === Celsius data coding table === ^ Sensor ^ Value for data coding byte ^ | Sensor 0 | 136(0x88) | | Sensor 1 | 137(0x89) | | Sensor 2 | 138(0x8A) | | Sensor 3 | 139(0x8B) | | Sensor 4 | 140(0x8C) | | Sensor 5 | 141(0x8D) | === Fahrenheit Vdata coding table === ^ Sensor ^ Value for data coding byte ^ | Sensor 0 | 244 (0xF4) | | Sensor 1 | 245 (0xF5) | | Sensor 2 | 246 (0xF6) | | Sensor 3 | 247 (0xF7) | | Sensor 4 | 248 (0xF8) | | Sensor 5 | 249 (0xF9) | ===== Alarm Event ===== If enabled the event is sent when a temperature sensor goes below a low alarm set point (see [[http://www.grodansparadis.com/kelvinntc10k/manual/doku.php?id=registers|Low-alarm-registers]]) or above a high alarm set point (see [[http://www.grodansparadis.com/kelvinntc10k/manual/doku.php?id=registers|High-alarm-registers]]). The hysteresis registers is used so that after an alarm event has been sent a new alarm event is not sent until the temperature goes below/above the value set in the set point plus(low)/minus(high) signed content of hysteresis register. A read of the alarm register will reset the alarm status and alarm events will not be sent out again until the the temperature changed with the hysteresis amount. ^ Event ^ Description ^ | [[http://www.vscp.org/docs/vscpspec/doku.php?id=class1.alarm#type_2_0x02_alarm_occurred|CLASS1.ALARM, Type=2, Alarm occurred]] | __**Data**__\\ **Byte 0** - Index. Index is 0 for Sensor 0. 1 for Sensor 1, 2 for Sensor 2. 3 for Sensor 3. 4 for Sensor 4. 5 for Sensor 5. \\ **Byte 1** - Zone.\\ **Byte 2** - Sub zone. | Zone and sub-zone are the modules settings for the sensor generating the alarm. See [[http://www.grodansparadis.com/kelvinntc10k/manual/doku.php?id=registers|register 74-85]] ===== TurnOn/TurnOff Event ===== If enabled, the event [[http://www.vscp.org/docs/vscpspec/doku.php?id=class1.control#type_5_0x05_turnon|CLASS1.CONTROL, Type=5, TurnOn]] or [[http://www.vscp.org/docs/vscpspec/doku.php?id=class1.control#type_6_0x06_turnoff|CLASS1.CONTROL, Type=6, TurnOff]] (Bit 5 in control register must be set (see [[registers#sensor_control_ registers|Control-registers]]])) is sent when the temperature goes below or above the low(see [[registers#low_ alarm_registers|Low-alarm-registers]]/high(see [[registers#high_ alarm_registers|High-alarm-registers]] alarm set points. Settings in the control register bit 6 (see [sub:Control-registers]) decides which of the **TurnOn/TurnOff** event that is sent. The hysteresis setting (see [sub:Sensor-hysteresis-registers]) tells how much a temperature must raise or fall below the alarm set point before a new event will be sent. ^ Event ^ Description ^ | [[http://www.vscp.org/docs/vscpspec/doku.php?id=class1.control#type_5_0x05_turnon|CLASS1.CONTROL, Type=5, TurnOn]] | __**Data**:__\\ **0** Index,\\ **1** Zone.\\ **2** Sub zone. | ^ Event ^ Description ^ | [[http://www.vscp.org/docs/vscpspec/doku.php?id=class1.control#type_6_0x06_turnoff|CLASS1.CONTROL, Type=6, TurnOff]] | __**Data**:__\\ **0** Index,\\ **1** Zone.\\ **2** Sub zone. | __**Index**__ is 0 for Sensor 0, 1 for Sensor 1, 2 for Sensor 2. 3 for Sensor 3. 4 for Sensor 4. 5 for Sensor 5. __**Zone**__ information is fetched from sensor zone register (see [[http://www.grodansparadis.com/kelvinntc10k/manual/doku.php?id=registers#sensor_zone_information_registers|sensor zone information registers]]). __**Sub zone**__ information is fetched from sensor sub-zone register (see [[http://www.grodansparadis.com/kelvinntc10k/manual/doku.php?id=registers#sensor_zone_information_registers|sensor zone information registers]]). ===== Sync. Event (incoming) ===== If a SYNC event is received by the module it will check the zone/subzone parameters of the event and send out [[http://www.grodansparadis.com/kelvinntc10k/manual/doku.php?id=events#temperature_event|temperature measurement event(s)]] for all sensors that match. This can be a handy feature to use of one want synchronized data from several sources. ^ Event ^ Description ^ | [[http://www.vscp.org/docs/vscpspec/doku.php?id=class1.control#type_26_0x1a_sync|CLASS1.CONTROL, Type=26, Sync]] | __**Data**:__\\ **0** Index,\\ **1** Zone.\\ **2** Sub zone. | \\ ---- {{ :grodan_logo.png?100 |}}
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