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Many VSCP modules are programmed to respond to the CLASS1.CONTROL sync event. This event makes it easy to get over time synchronized data from several modules.

The data sent to a module for this event is

Byte 0: Sensor Index

This byte tells which sensors on a module you want to get information from. Setting it to 255 (0xFF) tells the module that all sensors should report there value. Other values are dependent on the module used.

For the Vilnius module the following schema is used.

value Description
0b0000xxxx Report status for A/D channels. xxxx represents the A/D channels and bit 0 should be set if a report for A/D channel 0 is wanted, bit 1 for A/D channel 1 and so on. Thus if all A/D channels should be reported the LSB nibble should be 15 0xF).
0b0001xxxx Report measurements. xxxx represents measurement calculations for channels and bit 0 should be set if a report for channel 0 is wanted, bit 1 for channel 1 and so on. Thus if measurements for all channels should be reported the LSB nibble should be 15 0xF).
0b0010xxxx Report I/O state. xxxx represents I/O bits and bit 0 should be set if a report for I/O 0 is wanted, bit 1 for I/O 1. All other bits have no meaning as there are only two I/O channels.
0b11111111 Will send a report for all A/D values, all measurement calculations and all I/O.

Byte 1: Zone

Match the modules zone here. Note it's not the the zone for a channel. Set to 255 (0xFF) to match all zones).

Byte 2: Sub zone

Match the modules sub zones here. Note it's not the the sub zone for a channel. Set to 255 (0xFF) to match all sub zones).

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email: phone: +46 (0)8 40011835